Whether you manage a business or just have a lot of important information stored on your computer, protecting your critical data is essential. After all, computers can crash without warning, and if you don’t have a backup in place, you could wind up with a lot of missing information on your hands. Dynamic Network Designs LLC in Cherry Hill, NJ, offers reliable data backup services for individuals and businesses alike.
Most people don’t appreciate the importance of carrying out a site survey while you’re planning your WiFi network. Which is quite surprising considering it’s importance. Just like undertaking any project, if you go in without knowing all the details and without proper plans, you’re going to have a bad time.
Dynamic Network Designs can find out which kind of access points (APs) you should use, how many you’ll need, where to place them and even suggestions on how to configure them.
You usually go into a project with an idea of what you want - the general areas you want covered, what you want the network to support, maybe even the type of AP you want to use etc. Our Wireless Certified Engineers will input all the information they gather into our wireless site survey tool of choice, tweaking bits and adding information related to their specific network needs.
We then collate all of this data and provide you with a detailed floor plan, containing useful information like signal coverage and estimated speeds.
Our Site Survey Tool can perform more granular steps like simulating data usage on the network, to give you a better idea of what kind of performance your planned network will achieve. The devil really is in the detail, and a some of the tools out there can also help suggest the optimal position for your APs, along with how to configure settings like channels and power output.
All of this amounts to having a wireless network that will actually meet your needs, rather than the bare minimum required. WE here at Dynamic Network Design are Certified professional wireless engineers with over 10 years experience and are well trained in these complex tools to help give you the best wireless network possible.
So if you don’t want your wireless network to crumble and struggle to keep up with it’s usage, do it the right way. Get yourself a wireless site survey.